Thursday, July 21, 2005

Surprisingly edgy lately

Given that stuff seems to be sorting out, from the whole "wait and see" on the divorce thing to the fact I'm no longer coughing up a lung every time I walk five metres to the fact I'm now 10 full kilos (!!) down, I have been surprisingly (over??) emotional lately.

I could blame the full moon (the second in a row in Cap, ie, a true "blue moon"), along with the fact the moon is closer to the earth now than it is usually -- I have always been a bit susceptible to the whole moon thing (They don't call people "lunatics" for nuthin')... at least two, possibly three, of my kids were, uh... never mind.

Dreaming up a storm, too. Well, no, don't take that too literally: I am not responsible for the rain in Brisbane the last couple of days :-P. Dreams are not helping. Dreams spend too much time in the land of impossibility pretending to be reality for my liking lately.


I've been writing poetry, too. *shudders* Anyone who knows me will know what that means -- my poetry makes Vogon verse seem mild in comparison. Seriously. I am really very bad, especially given that I tend to compare to 2 other people who are actually very good. I don't know if Richard is still writing poetry, but he had some good ones. And Liz, well, I've lauded her before and she tells me off for it, but I'll say it again. I want the talent she has in her little finger, please.

Oh, and CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to Sir Tessa on her new job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Booyeah!!!!!!!!!!!!


At 12:37 pm, Blogger Nicky Strickland said...

This little *cough, splutter* Cancerian with well Cancerian tendencies left, right & centre is gonna say re Dreams & Poetry - cathartic emotional dealing with states - use it and go with it (& one of your grandkids can publish it 83 years after you cease to be on this planet *snickers*). (not that I know much about emotional outpouring of course.............)

At 7:59 am, Blogger Heather said...

Yeah. By then, it may be considered good poetry.

Or not.

Of course, they'll get more value out of the "Secret Diaries" by then... ;-)

Will follow your good advice....

;-) :-P

At 6:09 pm, Blogger Tessa said...

Thanks Heather. Sir Tessa is overly squeeeeeeeish.


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