Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Awards all round

Been a productive weekend, really, awards-wise.

The Clarion South team (Rob H, Rob D, Kate and me) won a Ditmar at the NatCon for professional achievement. The Ditmars are the Australian equivalent of the Hugos, and it's a Big Deal. The only other really, really prestigious award in Australia for SF would be the Aurealis Awards, but to put it in movie parlance, the AA's would be like the AFI awards while the Ditmars would be sort of equivalent to the Logies.

Also, my uncle Bill was on the honours list for the Australian Queen's Birthday w/e. Pretty cool, really. Congrats, Bill!


At 8:20 am, Blogger Cold Cut Ten said...

That's kewl, Heather. Congrats. :-)


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