Saturday, June 11, 2005


I've spent the last couple of days coming down, as they say, from coffee. Got down to one cup in the am yesterday and having the first day without today. The headache's already starting, but I think that's mostly because I'm expecting one. hehe.

I figured, since I seem to be taking off a wee bit of hip, I might spend this Queen's birthday long weekend doing a detox. I definitely need a health boost: moving house (stirring up all sorts of dust and pathogens) and the whole swag of new virii you get when you move to a new area, as well as the stress of, well, the last 2 years, at least, has left me somewhat depleted. So, it's, get the housework done early today (almost done) and then spend the rest of the weekend bludging. The only other important thing I have to do this weekend is receive a phone call. :-D :-D

I was going to go down to Tassie for the national convention this weekend, but circumstances (less said...) didn't allow. Probably a Good Thing; spending the weekend boosting the health instead of going to a NatCon (famous for lack of sleep for varying different reasons) -- probably better for me. I've noticed the walking I've been doing has locked me up a bit, so I'll have to spend some time working on my flexibility from now on *grin*

I've finished the part of the ms I was writing for EnVision, I might spend the weekend getting stuck into the books Sean sent me. Whoot!


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