Sunday, June 12, 2005

There is a reason you shouldn't detox after a cold

and I knew what I was getting into, but, sheesh. I didn't realise my body could produce so much phlegm. I feel like an ex-smoker, honestly.

Which is good, means the detox is working (and the headachey stuff is mostly gone today, thank goodness), but all this healthy stuff is making me feel like a worn-out rag. ;-) The good news about this is, I went to bed by 8.30 last night, and slept through. I think I needed that. I rarely sleep more than 6 hours a night, usually less. I'm glad this isn't an "extreme" detox though (ie, juice fast) because I'd be feeling very sick right now. Basically, all I've done is cut out the caffeine, sugar, wheat products and meat and added fresh fruit and veggie juice, upped the amount of vegetable material I'm eating (especially of the "superfood" variety: broccoli, spinach, beetroot, garlic, carrots, berries, papaya, etc) and some supplements. Note for anyone planning to do this: I know what I'm doing (I'm a qualified herbalist although I've only ever used that for myself), please don't try this unless you've done your research or under supervision of someone who has, get a full medical check up first, and don't try to detox if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, diabetic, or have kidney or liver disease, or recovering from a severe illness or operation, or if you're coming off alcoholism or drugs (without allowing some "clean" time to elapse first--at least 6 months clean). Just thought I'd mention that.

My laryngitis has cleared up, though. All that is left is the croakiness from the coughing.

Out of curiosity, I stood on the scales this morning: I've taken off about 2kgs of fluid all up, so my measured weight now matches the measured tape measure. Or something. Whatever.

Day 2 of detox is a "gentle" day, and I fully expect to maximise on the gentle. I had planned to spend the day writing, but my head is mush right now, I can't even concentrate enough to read (this is normal for a detox. Actually, it's normal for me).

Yesterday, I spent most of the afternoon on the phone, which was nice (right up until I had to rush off because I couldn't stop coughing on phone call # 2. I don't think I need to say any more about that. Urgh).

Got an SMS from Rob H, who is in in Tassie at the NatCon, last night -- Clarion South won a Ditmar. How cool is that. :-D


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