Friday, October 29, 2004

It is a Good Thing. Really.

How is an ankle unlike a consequence?


Yeah, still works.


I signed all of my divorce papers the other day and they're almost ready to be sent down to the court for whatever it is they have to have done with them before they get served on the ex. The only thing that's holding that process up is that I never got around to getting a copy of my marriage certificate.

Ironic, really. I'm filling out the online for for the ACT BDM Registry and a part of that is that they ask for certain information so they know that you're entitled to a copy. At the end of it, they ask "What is this certificate required for?" I felt a bit weird filling out, "So I can apply for my divorce."

I'm not going to go into gory detail as to why my marriage broke up. Suffice to say, it's a Good Thing, in the long term. However, even knowing this, and knowing that I have no emotional attachment to the person in question (we've been separated almost 2 years now, officially), I still have this sense of failure. No different from anyone else that goes through a divorce. We were married for, uh... since January 1989, so however long that is, minus January 2003... and were together almost a year before that. While I know (yes, Damon, I do know) that the way things were wasn't someting I could really do anything about (and God knows I tried), I still can't help but feel like... "well, that was a whole lot of time wasted."

Makes you very careful. Well, makes me very careful.

Actually, though, it wasn't time wasted because I have some wonderful kids, and I have been... what's the word? Tempered.

So... it is a Good Thing. Really.


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