Monday, October 25, 2004

Storms and The Lifeline

We're coming into storm season in Queensland, which is one excuse why I haven't added to my blog. I started an entry on Thursday am, and then my laptop went *pftht*. No warning. No beeping. Just *pftht*. Sigh. So I'd typed this huge entry and it was gone. Then the storms started that night. Now, generally, I write of an evening because, well, you'll see why soon... but that's when it storms. I'll tell you more about those Queensland storms later. They're terrific!

See, as I mentioned last Wednesday, (yes, Tim, I do :-)) have five boys. That is, of course, not strictly speaking accurate. I also have a daughter. I didn't mention her because, well, she's not as messy as the boys are. that isn't intended to be a sexist statement. It's just an accurate one.

So that's six children.

No, I don't know what causes that yet. Yes, I do own a TV. No, actually, they're not all mine, I just grabbed a couple off the street and thought I'd keep them. For fun. Yes, my IQ is about the size of a small caterpillar, thanks for asking. Ummm.... no, actually, they each have different fathers because I'm a slut who wants to live off welfare (see, that $27.32 a fortnight per child just sooo makes up for the lifetime of responsibility, feeding, watering, clothing, houseing, worrying... not to mention the LABOUR!! Do you want me to tell you about the LABOUR???! And the AFTERPAINS!!!!!???????!!!!!!????? There's even excruciating pain and stuff. For a long time. Then you have to cook, every night).

Umm, yes, I really have had complete strangers who come up to me and ask the questions that have inspired that slightly sarcastic diatribe. Regularly. It started when I was pregnant with my fourth.

I wonder why people do that. I don't go up to childless people and ask why they don't have kids. I mean, apart from the fact that it's none of my damn business what other people do with their reproductive systems, there may be a good reason. Maybe they can't have kids, even though they want to. Maybe they don't want kids. Who am I to argue with or lecture them? "Gee, ma'am, what's wrong with you? You don't want kids? What sort of an IQ do you have, anyway?") Sheesh. Maybe I chose to have a large family. Maybe I didn't. It's no-one's business either way, unless you're the future LOML, of course. Then you can ask me anything you like. Please. Really. Please. :-)

(Umm, if anyone wants to lecture me on how a large family is irresposible environmentally, I'll just quickly point out that the Australian birth rate is currently well below replacement and I haven't even begun to replace my own relatives, let alone anyone else's. Besides, someone has to pay the Social Security bill next decade. So... There. Shut Up. :-D)

A larger family is hard work. But it's also easier. I'll explain that on a later post, but anyone who comes from one will know what I mean. Love isn't divided, it's multiplied with each division. I do complain a bit, but deep down I love it.

I'd even have more, under the right circumstances. Which would mean: loving, stable relationship. The ability to still have them. :-)

So, hence only writing in the evenings. I'm pretty busy. But evenings are when the storms break after the seething heat of the day up here. (Or down here, if you're reading from Canada, or New York, or Singapore). They can be brief, or long, but they're violent and electrical (last night, driving home from Brisbane, I was almost blown off the road, another story, of course, for another day). Either way, as soon as I smell the storm coming (or more likely, feel it, but that's yet another story), I'm unplugging the computer from the wall and the phone line. No way I'm losing the 4th draft of the 180,000 word novel I'm working on right now, let alone everything else. !!

I also write in the early mornings (no storms), but I take care of email then, or I just wake up late, happens a lot lately. Then there's the school rush and no time for anything else!

I have been writing too. I am NOT lazy! (Oops, in joke. Someone thought it would be a great idea to help me break through my Writer's Block by calling me lazy and challenging me to prove him wrong. It worked, but Someone doesn't need to know that. Someone may get an inflated sense of his own importance :-P).

Late mornings bacause of lots of dreams lately. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because I've been sleeping well for the first time in 15 years. Hmmm... can't think what that correlates with. :-) So I'm catching up on my REM. Also, I am in serious danger of feeling serious contentment, dangerous, eh! Rather nice dreams. No, I'm not sharing, sorry. :-P

So. I promised to write about The Lifeline.

The Lifeline is a message board, situated here. It is formerly a game chat board, dedicated to the game Age of Wonders. I stumbled on it about 3 and a half years ago. It has both grown and dwindled from that purpose since then, but it's still here... it celebrated its fourth birthday this past weekend.

What sets The Lifeline apart is that, unlike many online chat boards, I've made some RL friends. People who I would trust enough to invite into my home (in one case, already happened, Hi Liz!). This is, I believe, quite rare, to find a whole group that you can do that with, especially when you're quite net security conscious. (I am. You may notice I don't name my kids here. They also don't surf).

There's Liz and Eug from Singapore, Caber and Richard from NY, Uni from Essex, JD from the MidWest (who looks stunning in a purple dress and I will acknowledge as my first commenter), Mik from Baltimore and definitely not least, Edi from Finland. Edi's a rather special case, actually. He was born on my birthday in the city and country I was born in, but is 5 years younger. Liz, as I've already mentioned, came to visit me in March last year, after a quick work trip to Sweden with a side trip to visit Edi. Excellent three weeks that was! Another "another story".

There are other excellent people at LL, but this small group are the ones I've come to know more as RL people, offline. Except Caber, I guess. He's a mysterious one. :-D

These Lifeliners have helped me through some of the darker times of my life, back before I moved up from Canberra to where I am now (where after separating from my ex, I am now "allowed" to have a social life. Long story. For another day). I now have some great, wonderful, amazing friends and aquaintances closer to home as well (mostly Vision members), as well as getting back in touch with the ones I lost touch with in Canberra, Trish, Lisa, Clare... I am the most amazingly blessed person on this earth, I reckon.

Thing is, for the most part, the LL mob did this for me without even knowing it. At a time when the 'net was my only social outlet, they provided me with friendship and care, and encouragement. And this was when I was not so forthcoming about how bad things were at home. I credit Richard, Caber, Liz, Edi, Eug, Uni and Mik, as well as people I don't know so well, such as DS, Skull, JAT, Cis and long-gones such as Kray and Chowguy with keeping me writing during that period (I've probably forgotten someone. if so, I apologise. I have 6 kids. My attention span is fractrated :-D).

Uhm. I'm getting soppy. I'm not sure if I should apologise for that.

Liz is amazing. She can write these epic poems just like *snaps fingers* THAT. If I had half the talent she has in her little finger....

Pop by, if you get a chance. Read some of Bard's poetry. For an old guy, he's pretty cool. :-D

Cool breeze. Storm coming. I could go on all night, but I'd better go start unplugging stuff. Then there's that making dinner thing I still have to do. The masses will revolt if I don't do something soon.

Then I might get an early night. I have some serious dreaming to do.


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