Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Officially, I don't believe in it.

But then, I wouldn't. I'm a Capricorn. Statistics prove that Capricorns are the least likely to believe in astrology. So, the way I look at it, either way I sort of prove the point, don't I?

Having said that, I have developed a deep interest in the subject. It's fascinating. There are, apparently, some real live scientific studies that suggest there is something to it, but I haven't read those. I'd hate to be proven wrong or something. Hehe. Thing is, there probably is something to it, but mostly because people tend to believe in it, or not. You tend to become either what you believe you are or what you strongly resist, I've noticed. Fairly basic psychological tenet.

Anyway, there's this astrologer, Jonathon Cainer. He was introduced to me (so to speak) by one of the EnVision 2003 attendees, Lindsay, an amazing English girl who I consider myself extremely fortunate to have met. She sent me to his website, stating that the man seemed to know her like the back of his hand.

I have, surprisingly, found the same thing, to the point where I have joked to Sally or Damon on occasion that the guy is either trolling through my inbox or reading my mind. Of course, he isn't doing either. But, on occasion, I have been mulling over, or discussing, a difficulty that has been going on in my life and he will answer that exact question on that exact day using the same bloody phraseology. This happens so regularly it's spooky. In fact, of the approximately 400 days I've been reading his dailies, there has only been one day when I've thought "huh? No application to me at all." And it can't be explained away using generalities, either. If those predictions had happened one day earlier or later, they would have been completely non-appropriate.

No other astrologer has done the same, though, so perhaps it isn't the astrology. Perhaps Cainer just has some sort of unexplainable gift. I don't know. I do know enough, from experience, to know that there is a lot of stuff going on in the world, that we'd call "supernatural", that science hasn't yet explained. I'm pretty ok with that. Science, once-upon-a-time, couldn't explain lightning, either.

I do believe in magic. However, when I say that, I'm not talking about "hocus pocus" stuff. I believe that magic is simply science not yet explained. I guess stuff like what we would call ESP, telepathy or precognition falls into that category. I ahve had some experience with all three, yet my skeptical side tends to push that stuff off to look for a "natural" explanation. Thing is, there IS a "natural" explanation, it's just that we haven't discovered it yet.

Trying to explain what I mean, if you haven't had similar experiences, is like trying to explain colour to a dog.

I read a quote the other day from Albert Einstein.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."

It reminded me of something. We think we've come such a long way, separating "science" and "supernatural", but most great scientists believed in the supernatural in some way, be it through God, or the Universe (using the word in its religious sense), or other things such as telepathy. Einstein was one, Galileo was another. Einstein spent a lot of time working on multiverse theorem, stuff that many a "self respecting" scientist would consider to be bunkum. Time travel. that sort of thing. The fellow who discovered germs (whose name escapes me for the moment) was put in a mental institution for suggesting that puerpural fever was preventable if only doctors would wash their bloody hands before going straight from doing an autopsy to attending a birth.

We can't see germs, but who would doubt now that they exist?

We can't explain love. Sure, science can tell us what hormones go here and do what at which time, throw in theories about pheromones and tell us that there's a trigger in the brain that makes someone we're in love with look more attractive than they really are.... go on about body shape and face shape indicators and evolution and the need to breed. But they can't tell us why it happens with this person and not with another who is similar in all other factors. Or why, despite all of our intentions to find such-and-such a person with the following attribute (list your favourites here), yet despite all of that, we end up with someone... else.

And what about people who have everything they "need" physically, yet still die through loneliness?

Love. That's magic.

Postscript: After writing this, I went to check my Cainer for today:

We live in a sophisticated, educated world. We are bombarded with information from every corner, to the point where we can hardly avoid being in touch and in tune, even if we try to ignore everything. Yet for all the answers, the smart ideas and the qualified experts, there are millions who feel somehow unhappy or unfulfilled. Because life, ultimately, is about more than cleverness, it is about the quest for meaning. What makes this time especially joyous is its potential to help you develop a much clearer sense of purpose. A historic eclipse will soon bring you much-needed help.

Now if he'd written this yesterday, or tomorrow, or last week, it wouldn't have been so applicable...


At 6:09 pm, Blogger Ankita Malhotra said...

Astrologers accept that Moon impacts the body vibrations similarly as it influences the sea waves during the tides. Indeed, even logical examinations have demonstrated that individuals carry on oddly during the full moon evenings since this is one planetary body that is profoundly associated with the human brain.

Best Astrologer in Delhi


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