Thursday, October 28, 2004

Clarion South

You're trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape.


Yeah. It's a stretch, but it still works. :-)


I am thinking about all things writing today. There are several reasons for this.

(Cool, another list!)

  • It's almost November again, so NaNoWriMo time is almost upon us. That's National Novel Writer's Month. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, basically, the mandate is (cue music):

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write 50,000 words of a new novel in one month. And in one of the shorter, months, the month of November. 30 days, folks. Well, it could be worse. It could be February. In a non leap year.

    My twelve year old did NaNoWriMo last year. He wrote 20,000 words. (Yes, this is the same child who will be going to Meanjin Camp).

    I, on the other hand, wrote exactly nothing. On a new novel, that is.

    I won't be doing NaNoWriMo this year. Mainly because I'm too busy editing the current novel. I'd like to get it ready to send out for the beginning of the year.

    A couple of people I know are, though. Stu is one. Scott is another. Scott will be posting his efforts in a new blog so you can make sarcastic comments about the way his thought processes work. Or encouragement. It's up to you, but I'd go with the latter. Scott's ability with sarcasm knows no peer. It's one of the things we all love about him. :-)

  • Sending selfsame novel off to Varuna MS Development Awards. Need to get it in shape. Today is the day I get the first chapter ioff to them. Yikes. Last year, I did reasonably well with the same project, which was at the time very half baked. I didn't make the shortlist, but I made it to the "we are seriously considering this for the shortlist" pile. I'm hoping to get a step further this year. Hehe.

  • Meanwhile, I have decided to finally get the degree to prove all of that history, etc, I've been learning. So, application for THAT off for next week.

  • I discovered I'm in the Locus Mag writer's index. Woohoo! Google yourself. It's fun. :-)

  • Last, but not least, Clarion South. I'm a convenor for this round, and we finally announced the Offical List this week. We decided them back in September, but had to wait for the participant's confirmations to attend.

    This year's list of attendees:

    Mark Barnes, NSW
    Nike Bourke, Qld
    Nathan Burrage, NSW
    Alison Chan, ACT
    Lily Chrywenstrom, ACT
    Suzanne Church, Canada
    Shane Cummings, WA
    Rjurik Davidson, Vic
    Evan Dean, Qld
    Ellen Klages, USA
    Tessa Kum, NSW
    Deborah McDonnell, NSW
    Anne Mok, NSW
    Emma Munroe, NSW
    Trevor Stafford, ACT
    Susan Wardle, NSW
    Kenrick Yoshida, USA

    I am particularly excited about one Trevor Stafford getting in (no there was no bias involved here, apps are a blind process), as he is a good mate and a wonderful Leo to boot!


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