Thursday, August 25, 2005

Kids update

For the momma and the papa (mine, that is). :-)

#1 - has strep throat, also, a day behind me... I got past the "acute" stage last night (can now swallow without going... whimper). So is home for this week. Otherwise, he's, well, very tall, dad. Big feet... bigger than yours now. School improving.

# 2 - very popular with the girls right now. Apparently causing no trouble at all at school. Still writing.

# 3 - is now in 2 cricket teams, club & school. School trains on Tuesday, plays on Fridays. Club trains either on Wed or Thur (don't know yet) and will play Saturdays. I am a little concerned re burnout but he tells me he could play cricket every day of his life... the school has a B team (grade 5s and less-good grade 6s) and an A team (Grade 7s and talented Grade 6s). Alex (year 6) had to go to tryouts and made it into the A team. Yay. :-)

# 4 - passed her audition for the Australian Youth Choir and is therefore in the probabtionary choir, level 1, next year. Yay. :-) Setup verrrry different from the WVYC.

# 5 - would probably be happier with a different teacher - imo, there's nothing wrong with her, but he's developed an issue. He apparently "can't" read when she's around, although he has no trouble when reading to his sister, me or the replacement teacher he had for the first 5 weeks of term. Other than that, still loud. Some of it is also confusing teaching practice, though -- eg, they teach the sounds for l, i (short sound only, as in "his") and k - then expect them to "sight read" by rote the word "like" -- and he says "lick" every time. Why on earth they don't just teach both vowels sounds at the same time and then the rule for the silent e I will never know. It's not hard to learn, or teach; all my other kids got it when I taught it to them at 5. He's having some problem accepting that because it's not the "same" as he gets at school. Bring back true phonics, look-say is an already proven-to-be-failed experiment, for pity's sake.

# 6 - poor kid came down with what I have last night, although it seems to have hit him a little more gently. I hope it stays that way. He says his throat isn't too sore today. he's still running around, so it can't be too bad. :-)

Will phone when voice doesn't hurt. :-D


At 8:55 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,

Thanks for the summmary. Seems all is fairly normal and everyone is in achievement mode. Congrats to all 6 as all are doing their own bit their own way it seems. I did expect Jason to be tall. He was up to my shoulder at 13. Would not be surprised if they all get some height. Their great grandad on my mother's side was 6 foot 6 inches tall.

Big hugs to all [perhaps the older boys won't!].

Sorry though to hear about the throat problems. Glad to know it is clearing up. You need some Olive Leaf Extract.

Must get back to work.

Love and best wishes to everyone.

Dad xx


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