Sunday, May 22, 2005


I mentioned a while back I went to see Finding Neverland. I think I said at the time that, as an Oscar-nominated film, it makes for a good mediocre one, but there was one point of that film that stuck in my mind (apart from the fact that any film that portrays a man happily (or even drunkedly, like in The Upside of Anger, which I saw yesterday) taking on a large fatherless family that is not his own presses all sorts of buttons that I don't want to talk about, now or ever... I mean, apart from pointing out that there are ALL sorts of Hollywood BULLCRAP, not just the Braveheart type).

Depp's character has just met up with Winslet's character and her boys, and one of them (Peter) is a dyed-in-the-wool cynic. Depp starts telling a story about the St Bernard being a huge bear, and Peter says, "but that's just a dog." Depp (as Barrie, of course) responds, "Just? Ah, but you see, 'just' is the worst word in the whole world."

It's true, I reckon. Think of all the times the word is used:

Just a mum
Just a writer/poet/whatever creative endeavour the world sees as "not real work"
I was just angry
I was just about to call you
You're just incredible/amazing, but...
Just friends
Just not worth... blah blah blah

You get the picture. It's a sucky word.

PS For the person who was googling "Barethian", it's not a real language. It's just one I made up for my books. It has proper grammar and syntax, based very loosely in Scots Gaelic (syntax) and French (grammar) and partly just my own imagination and if another person learned it, it would actually be a living language. It's actually able to be spoken now, but I have been reticent to mention it. The few times I have, I've been told I was just copying Tolkein's idea :-D Never mind that I hadn't even read through LOTR when I first started on it all and had no idea he'd made up whole languages, although I did know he'd played with a couple. I love languages. I have a helluva lot of admiration for the man, though, teaching himself Finnish. I was born there, a good Finn friend has tried to give me some basics on the language. Oi vey, but it makes Gaelic look simple. But I digress.

One day I will make a webpage, maybe. If there's any interest. If I ever publish the books. if I ever get the bloody things finished. (Some are done, but need editing. More editing, I mean).

But not today. I'm having an Eeyore day and am supposed to be writing...something... else by June 7. Hopefully will only have one Eeyore day or I don't like my changces *grin*


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