Friday, May 13, 2005


I have a cold ind my dose. (Hehe. My dose is blogged).

I'm supposed to be writing somethingg for EnVision but I'm having trouble concentrating. One disadvantage of beingg the caregiver, I tend to get colds, etc, last, becuase I've run myself down a bit looking after everyone else, and they tend to hit me hard. # 1 son has been home for a week now. My daughter seems to have missed it.

# 3 son picked it up from his father last weekend, who conveniently forgot to tell us he was sick. And I say he never gives us anything. Sheeeeesh---OOOOO. Eggscuse me. *sniff*

Happy Friday Thirteenth, btw.

I was going to write a small essay on where that came from, but I thingk I might try curling up on the lounge instead. Can't nap, smallest child is not sick. Fell asleep briefly yesterday, and despite oldest child being aware of it, smallest child ended up outside in the rain playing in the mud. Smallest child lucky he did not get chill (I'm either acclimatising or it's an effect of the virus, but it was cold yesterday).

It's times like this that being single tends to make things a wee bit saddish. When you're sick, it's rather nice to wallow a bit, you know, feel a little sorry for yourself. having to get your own chicken soup sort of spoils it a bit. ;-)

Not that the ex ever was very good at palliative care, but you know what I mean. It'd be nice to have someone tuck me in and read me stories, and it's not really appropriate to get the kids to do it (although the currently-not-ill kids have been good with coffee, Vit C tablets, vapour rub and trying to let me sleep in until past 6 am).

On top of the cold, I got to traumatise myself again yesterday. My DVD library sent me The Pirate Movie. For anyone too young to remember (och! I can't believe I'm getting old enough to say that), this was an early 80s spoof of Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance, starring Chris Atkins and Kristy McNichol and lashings of Australians (it was filmed entirely in Australia long before it was popular to do so).

The saddest part was I remembered all of the words, even of the non G&S songs.

Whimper. Why do I do that to myself??


At 8:04 am, Blogger Cold Cut Ten said...


Get well soon, Heather!


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