Tuesday, October 05, 2004

My Arch Nemesis

I'm late on today because I decided it wasn't a great idea to try writing my blog during the whole chaos-before-school thing, especially since I woke up later than usual. And I've been writing--I have a RL project to finish for the EnVision anthology (more on EnVision on a later day, but if you really want to see more about it now, there's a website here ).

My Arch Nemesis posted a comment on my last post. His name is Stu.

Stu and I have been enemies since around this time last year. We ahve yet to work out exactly what we're nemesissing about because we sort of fell into it accidentally, but it had something to do with someone's Great Aunt Laura. Interesting, since neither of us actually have a Great Aunt Laura, but there you go.

We don't actually hate each other. But give it time, we're new to this sort of thing.

Stu and his terrific wife Jen came up to beeyootiful Qld a few months ago, and we're actually supposed to be writing a story together. Stu dutifully wrote his bit, sent it off to me and then my internet connection went pftht. So I haven't added to it in, er, months. And I was supposed to be the reliable one.

It's all a part of my nefarious plan. Mwahahahahahahahahaha.

Sorry. Nemesissing has that effect on me.

He said he put a link to my blog from his, but then didn't tell me where HIS blog is. Or I'd tell you. Darnation to him!!!

Just for that, Stu, I will not follow up any tantalising comments with anything. At all. And it's not who you're thinking. :-P


At 2:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,

Stu's blog is at:

and mine is at:




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