Saturday, October 02, 2004

Things I Love

  • Stories from my son, hugs from my sons and daughter, drawings from my daughter. But that's a given. :-)
  • The way some of my old friends and I can go for years without seeing or speaking to each other and then take up as we left off like there was no intervening time. Clare's one such friend. Trish (not the September 30 Tricia) is another. I don't know whether to count Mark as one of these. Perhaps. Probably not.
  • You know that blue the sky goes on a clear night just after the sun has finished going down and just before the stars are completely clear? It's a blue that can't be described and I have never seen it properly reproduced. There's a luminescence that can't be reproduced. Blue is my favourite colour, and that exact shade of blue is why.
  • The way a newborn smells. Yeah, I know, that's trite, but it's true. Everything about a newborn smells good, from the second they are born. Even baby poo from a breastfed infant is relatively inoffensive.
  • Speaking of smells, old fashioned roses. Violets. Scented pelargoniums. Musk candles from Dusk.
  • Sweet Chilli and Sour cream Deli-style potato chips from the Red Rock Deli Chip Company. I don't eat them often, but... YUM. Often copied, never bettered.
  • That freak-me-out moment you get just as you realise you've fallen for someone. I don't get terrified as a general rule, and don't fall often (I've found it's too difficult to pick yourself up), so it's delicious when it happens. In my case, I don't often recognise the signs until someone points it out to me. Then I have a moment of pure, unadulterated terror. Wow.
  • Then there's that someone, who will remain nameless. The only person who does know who Mr Nameless is was the person who pointed this out to me. That person dropped hints for about four months regarding Mr Nameless until I finally admitted to it. That person is sworn to secrecy.
  • The fact I can ramble on in a blog like this because, in all likelihood, no-one I know is actually reading it. :-)


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