Monday, October 30, 2006

Why are you not /writing/, woman?

Listening to: Evanescence The Open Door.

I am so very close to the end of this novel I can taste it. And, suddenly, I'm all locked up. I only have to write ONE blasted chapter (the rest that are left are edits).

In... teresting.

Nicky!? You'd know what's going on.


At 7:19 pm, Blogger Nicky Strickland said...


:p (I'm so mature)

At 7:20 pm, Blogger Nicky Strickland said...


Is it done yet??????

At 8:40 am, Blogger Heather said...

Oh, hardy har har har. hehehehehe.

And... almost. :-)


At 8:43 am, Blogger Heather said...

I'm going to add, for the record, that all of the so-called "just edits" are actually complete rewrites. But I did finish the "new" chapter.

At 2:39 pm, Blogger Nicky Strickland said...

Well you did ask me to post a comment (be glad I didn't do as the Leo/Gemini combo suggested). Mwahahahahahaha

Edit/rewrite aren't they interchangeable????

Ok, well structural edit, not line-pedantic-Capricornian-type-editing that seems to involve every flippin stroke of the keyboard/pen :)

I so need sleep. (Note to self, next lifetime schedule sleep).

At 7:54 am, Blogger Heather said...

Well, uh, yes. But I actually meant they may as well be new. :-)

And you know better than that. What world-domination hyperbole did the Leo/Gem combo want to do to me this time?

Sleep? What's... oh. That means closing your eyes for an extended period of time, right?

Bought ink. :-D


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