Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St Patrick's Day

Seems like a strange thing for an Australian to say, but given we're a convict nation, most anglos in this country have an inordinant amount of Irish blood in 'em, so the day tends to be an unofficial public holiday (ie, lots of people take a sickie and head to the pub). In my case, there's a whack of Irish blood on my paternal side, but my kids have more Irish in 'em than I do my ex's mother's maiden name is Irish, the ancestor arrived in Sydney in 1863). Ironically, no convict blood in my family, although I suspect one of the ex's mother's female ancestors was, although I haven't been able to track that lady down.

But anyhow... some friends going through some rough times at the moment, so cyber hugs all round...

To one: may your son be better soon.

Next one: may your work give you a bit of slack. Good luck with the feet on Saturday!

Next one: Back problems suck (I know!) -- it'll probably get worse before it gets better, but keep at it and, I know it runs against the grain, remember to ask for help if you need it! And get hugs, hugs help endorphins and they are painkillers. Enquires about how someone's doing are proven medically to speed up the physical and psychological healing processes. So feel free to complain a bit, it'll do you good. Good luck with the new job application, hope it works out. x :-D

And, finally, to another who has (I believe) been unfairly retrenched because her bosses have the concept that they owned her out-of-work time as well as the 60 hours they already had her on the clock: The good news about this, is you can now write in your own name if you choose to. And I agree with another about unfair dismissal. And the best form of revenge is success, you go! :-)


At 8:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's exciting, isn't it? my own name...! thanks heather. i'm glad to be outta that atmosphere, even if it is a rather nebulous future at the moment!


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