Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Ge-orgeous Geminis

Off the top of my head, I know three Geminis that figure in my life reasonably frequently.

One is the now ex-editor of Australian sf magazine Aurealis (Hi Keith!) and the other two are arguably two of my closest friends, one who lives here (Hi Damon!) and the other in New York (Hi Richard!).

Richard and Damon make me laugh sometimes, when I speak to them separately. They are two very different blokes from different backgrounds, but I find myself wondering, sometimes, if they are actually separated twins (excuse the pun!) because their interests and manner of speech are so similar.

Of course, neither of them would like hearing that, because Geminis want to think they are the ones who always take the "road less travelled". I like them.

Some can be asinine (like, for example, a Gemini I dated briefly in high school, who referred to himself as a Hooooolden Gemini, a type of car), but in general, they're chatty, witty individuals who are very good for my ego. Keith is good for my ego. He published my first SF article. :-D

They also tend to be very talented people who do think outside the box. And don't ever think of them as "air" heads. Uh-uh. Very cerebral, these blokes.

Anyhow, Mystic Medusa has this to say:

Gemini is a Mutable Air sign; Light, breezy and deceptive as the wind. Able to lighten even the darkest situation via their sanguine presence, Gemini is an asset to any social scenario. Nobody fears being stuck with a Gemini in the kitchen at a party... just the bedroom.

Well, I don't know about that ;-)

Q: How many Geminis does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: Two, plus a portable phone, an internet link and a copy of The Bluffer's Guide To Changing Lightbulbs

John Cainer says:

The Myth:
Geminis are supposed to be talkative types; always on the phone and forever doing deals. They are, allegedly, good at trading and persuading. They like accumulating trivial information and ask endless questions all the time. It is also said that Geminis are "two people in one" full of contradictions and prone to sudden mood swings.

The Truth:
Geminis are definitely busy people. It's rare to find one sitting still and doing nothing. They have active inquiring minds and particularly enjoy conversations that involve an exchange of information. Not all Geminis though, are gregarious. Some are reflective and shy. Nor is every Gemini a natural salesperson. Some have no interest in commerce. All though, are a little competitive. They can rarely resist showing someone else how a job should be done or a problem should be solved. As for moodiness, well they can be full of sunshine one moment and fury the next but then who can't? All that's unusual is the speed at which they can change.

The Key To Success:
If you were born under the sign of the twins, you shouldn't see yourself as a "split personality". You are simply someone who can see both sides to every coin. It's your ability to be flexible, to act on the spur of the moment and to ask the one obvious question that nobody else seems able to think of which makes you, such a powerful force in business... and such a helpful person to have as a friend.

Just remember to tell your evil twin that. ;-)

Today, Gems, The Moon is going into Libra, giving you a balanced, loving attitude (according to MM). I don't know what that means, actually. The Gems I know well-ish (for who ever really knows a Gem?) are already like that.


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