Thursday, November 04, 2004

The Final Fire -- Super Sagittarius

Well, I figured that, since I'm having a bit of a block on my novel(s) right now, and I don't feel like cleaning, I'd round off the fire signs, given that I've already done Aries and Leo it only seems fair to write up a bit on the Sag, right?

I even managed to do them in alphabetical order. And date order. Wasn't intentional.

It's appropriate, anyway. Mercury, that little old communicator, enters Sag today. Mercury in Sagittarius is all about The Big Questions and What Is It All About?

Sagittarians also figure largely in my life. My mum is a Sag. So is number 3 son. And three terrific people I know, the aforementioned Lindsay from the UK (Hi Linz!), an old and dear friend, who I've known since #2 son was 6 months old, Lisa, and Chris Mc, are also Sagittarians. Chris is an extremely talented writer and a Very Nice Bloke (with "nice" meant in its pure sense, not in the I-have-no-other-way-to-say-this-so-nice-will-have-to-do sense). His website is here, if you'd like to see it.

Mystic Medusa has this to say about the Sagittarius:

Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign; Fickle, fiery and poetry in perpetual motion. Spunky, broadminded and sensational at having fun, Saggo is the most adventurous sign of the Zodiac. The ick factor? Think 'full of merde' and thundering tactlessness. Everyone adores them regardless.

Q: How many Sagittarians does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: The sun is shining, the day is young, we've got our whole lives ahead of us and you're inside worrying about a stupid burned out light bulb?!

Now, now, be nice. hehe. Saggies are, in fact, a lot of fun, I've noticed. Tactless? Not always....:-)

Cainer likes the Sag a wee bit better:

The Myth:
Sagittarians, so they say, are bright, breezy, bouncy types who never let anything get them down. They are all "jolly-hockey-sticks"; totally tactless and insensitive but full of energy and enthusiasm. Supposedly, they love competitions, always look on the bright side, see everyone as a friend and are suspiciously fond of horses.
hehe hee! This actually very much like #3 son. he has more energy than anyone I know, a mind that needs to be constantly diverted, a competetive streak that borders on the insane and really likes his horses...

The Truth:
This is all a bit unfair. Sagittarians are perfectly capable of being grouchy and grumpy. They can summon plenty of lethargy and cynicism when they choose to. They can also be very delicate, diplomatic and deep. It's just that, because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter - the planet of hope - they can never quite silence an inner voice of optimism. Events may reduce it to a whisper for a while but it always returns to a roar, the moment they spot a possible solution to a problem. Sagittarians are idealists who want everything to be wonderful. They are also extremists who hate half measures. For them, it's either gung ho or no go. And as for the horses? Only some of them, sometimes!

The Key To Success:
To be a Sagittarian is to be surrounded by serendipity. Rarely do you have to go in search of anything. It naturally comes to you. Or, at least, it does as long as you know the difference between trusting your luck and pushing your luck. When you strive, you stumble. When you make the most of what's on offer, you get magical results.

By the way, Saggies, the moon is moving into Leo today, great for adding fire to your creative pursuits, particularly writing. So, with the moon in Leo and loquacious Mercury in your sign, there's no excuse. Hop to it then. :-)


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