Tuesday, December 14, 2004

General Chitchat

Listening to: my compilation CD and Last of the Mohicans. Not together, of course, although... nah, even I'm not that insane.

Mood: surprisingly chipper. My Christmas shopping is almost up to date, I had good dreams last night and all is good with the world. Well, maybe not the world in general, if you watch the news, but it is here. The danger of this is that one tends to start to be suspicious of that, in a "wonder what's coming" sort of way. Shouldn't be, but there you go.

I saw a film a while ago, I can't remember the exact name but it was something like "Twelve conversations about One Thing." That is wrong, I know it isn't "twelve" but it was a number higher than 10 and lower than 20 conversations about one thing. Basically the One Thing was the notion of happiness, and how if others see you happy they will try and tear it down (usually) and also about the nature of "happiness" whether it's tangible, what qualifies as "happy": cheerful? Basic Contentment no matter what happens? Elation? So, if you're not in a constant state of "emotional" happiness, you're not, basically, happy, even if you have no (real) complaints?

One of the sayings flashed across the screen was "The moment you stop and ask yourself if you are happy, you immediately become less so."

I'm not going to ruminate on that, but it's true, I think. Certainly gives one furiously to think.

ROFL -- I just received this in my inbox from Jen:

Subject: Chocolate Eaters

You can't eat Beef, Mad cow....

Can't eat chicken . bird flu

Can't eat eggs ... Salmonella

Can't eat pork ... fears that bird flu will infect piggies

Can't eat fish ... heavy metals in the waters has poisoned their meat

Can't eat fruits and veggies ... insecticides and herbicides


I believe that leaves Chocolate!!

Chocolate is a Vegetable

Chocolate is derived from cocoa beans.

Bean = vegetable.

*Sugar is derived from either sugar cane or sugar beets.

*Both are plants, in the vegetable category. Thus, chocolate is a

To go one step further, chocolate candy bars also contain milk, which is a
dairy. So candy bars are a health food.

Chocolate-covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all
count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.


STRESSED spelled backward = DESSERTS!

Send this to four people and you will lose 2 pounds.

Send this to everyone you know (or ever knew), and you will lose 10 pounds.

If you delete this message, you will gain 10 pounds immediately.

That's why I had to pass this on - I didn't want to risk it.


Turkish Delight....mmmm.... hazelnuts.... mmmmm.... Hmm! I'd like to add that Turkish Delights are made out of roses, which is a health-giving herb and hazelnuts are protein, with essential fatty acids and brain nutrients.

Hehe. I should eat more.

So... what else is there to say? Not a lot. I could complain about the rain, but I won't. You don't complain about rain in a land like Australia *grin*. Mind you, I'm thinking I will try and get some washing done in this sticky sunny lull because I am running out of clothes to wear, you can imagine with seven people in the house that the washing is a full-time job. And when it rains for a week, and you don't own a dryer... hehe. I tend to give the kids' clothes the priority so I'm now considering nakedness. Ew! There's a picture you don't want in your head hehe. I mean it. Legions would go blind.

I could also complain furiously about the ex. He's making things a bit difficult for my older boys, who all want to get mum (ie, me) a Chrissy present but don't want me to actually be involved with that, surprisingly enough. He won't even take them shopping, even if I was to give them some money, which is a bit childish, really. But all is good, the boys have offered to do some extra mowing for some cash and my mum has stepped in and will take them to the shops. So I'm choosing to ignore it: there's always a solution to everything.

It's a little ironic, actually, when you consider that we've basically re-arranged christmas so that the ex can have all of the kids on Christmas Day. We'll (us, my mum and her hubby) be doing the "thing" on the 24th instead and I'll have a day to myself on the 25th, a Good Thing, actually: the actual "exact date" isn't important and this way everyone wins: the kids get 2 Christmases, the ex gets to see them all at once instead of a 3/3 split which is what most weekends are, and I get the first day off where I have nothing planned except to do nothing should I choose to do so... er, unlikely, but there you go.... in almost a year, just before Clarion starts. All good, as far as I can see. I had to spend a bit of time explaining that to the mother of my daughter's best friend, who innocently asked what we were doing on Christmas Day and without thinking, I just said, "oh, I'll be on my own." The poor woman was almost in tears until I could explain that I was OK with that, and why.

I wouldn't say "no" to a visitor, but I'm actually copacetic with it. :-) Looking at a pile of books I haven't read yet and haven't had the quiet to do so, or I'll write. Or sleep (yeah, that's really likely). Actually, the plan is to re-edit & re-structure the book (again), but I'm waiting on a crit to do that, so it may not happen. I'm a little dry inspirationally.

I also just finished taking the kids around so they can get stuff for their father (hehe!), but I'm at the point that the only reason it even bothers me is that #3 son was so upset about it. I don't need presents from them, and said so, but he really wants to get something for me, bless his heart. It's just another example of how the ex doesn't really consider the feelings of others in his decision-making processes. It's aimed at me, but it's affecting his children who he claims to love. The person I actually feel sorry for here is, in fact, the ex., but enough said.

My daughter has taken to drawing horses. She's pretty good at it, too, for an almost 8 year-old. Woohoo.

OK, washing machine stopped. Time to go. :-)


At 12:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:) heh chocolate good! I think you can make anyting sounds healthy. Mmmm, apple slice. Apples are fruit ant therefore healthy. Wheat has fibre, you do need some fat/ sugar to survive, so that's ok too. See, really it is a healthfood. :)


At 2:51 pm, Blogger Nicky Strickland said...

Chocolate is definitely a super-food. Seen that info before and swear by it (and occasionally at it too).

What if you think about happiness as the washing is done?? Does it diminish or increase?

At 11:39 pm, Blogger Heather said...

Hehe Jen, so true. Although, I have found this paradigm doesn't work for, say, soap.

But I'm guessing that's a moot point....

> What if you think about happiness as the washing is done?? Does it diminish or increase?

Well, that depends on whether I remember that there's still the ironing to do, Nic. ;-)


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