Tuesday, December 07, 2004

End of Schoolyear Madness

Yeah. What the title said.

I have a child in high school, one in preschool and three in primary school (and one at home until he goes to preschool in 2006). Number 2 son is in his last year of primary, so there are all sorts of high school orientations and a graduation later this week.

I went to drop off #5 to preschool yesterday and somehow got roped into doing their end-of-year-show backdrop. I'm not really sure how it happened. I remember asking about his costume (he is a Roman soldier with a big line "Go to the town where you were born so my soldiers can count you and write your names down in my book." :-) ). I remember the teacher talking about how busy he was, and him pointing to the full-wall of butcher's paper. The empty butcher's paper and how he still had to do the backdrop. I remember commenting "Oh, like a tromp l'oeil". Then somehow I was painting it.

I'm not complaining (although after a full day painting yesterday my right arm is!!). It's been about 4 years since I have done anything like that. In fact, apart from the odd Warhammer model, it's been about 4 years since brush has touched canvas, wall or wood. If you don't count the spray painting job I did on my son's new bedside table 3 weeks ago. Oh! or the interior of the pantry, I painted that a few months ago too. But it's not the same.

Not turning out as badly as I thought it might, either, although I'm back at the preschool today to fill in details and donkey.

Which means I must go now. I still haven't done my Roman soldier's costume!


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